Are you searching a reliable and secure email delivery solution for your WordPress website?

SendGrid is one of the most popular methods that enhance the deliverability of emails on your website. It also implies the emails which are arriving in the inboxes of your customers, rather than being categorized as spam. 

In this tutorial, we will describe how to integrate the SendGrid plugin with your WordPress website.

And if you prefer to use something else here are some other email service providers you can choose from.

Why Use SendGrid?

Emails are essential things for a website in order to manage an eCommerce business. It’s basically pivotal for resetting login password, allowing email notification, contact form notification etc. Moreover, to send the updated information of your website and release notes to your customers, you need the email service provider.

By default, WordPress sends emails by the default PHP mail function. The main disadvantage of this function is that some hosting providers do not configure the function properly, as a result, all your emails get blocked or marked as spam.

For getting rid of the problematic situation, we suggest you to use the SendGrid transactional email service provider.

It mainly provides highly configured email servers for sending out the emails. It can also integrate directly with WordPress through their API system. 

Although SendGrid is a paid service provider it also offers a free plan for sending up to 100 emails per day. If you are running a small or personal business, you can easily use the free plan.

choosing the free plan of sendgrid for wordpress

How to Integrate SendGrid With Your WordPress Website?

Step 1:  Create a SendGrid account and API key

Before using the plugin, you need an API key to use the plugin. For generating the API key, at first you need to sign up for a free SendGrid Account. Once you have signed up for an account, you will receive a confirmation email. Now, click the confirmation link and sign in to your account.

sign up for an account on sendgrid

Next, from the Settings menu, click on the API keys and create the API key for your website. Here you need to give the key name and select the Full Access option in order to access GET, PATCH, PUT, DELETE and POST endpoints for all parts of your account.

create api key

After that, click on the Create & view option to complete the process.

configure api key on sendgrid

Step 2: Install SendGrid Plugin 

On the next step, install the SendGrid Plugin from your WordPress dashboard. To do this, go to your admin dashboard and click on the plugin library. After opening the library, search the SendGrid Plugin from the search bar and install it for your website. After installing it, activate the plugin for your secure email delivery.

Step 3: Integrate Sendgrid Plugin with your WordPress website

Now, go to the Settings ► Sendgrid and fill out all the details to configure it. Here, in the SendGrid Credentials settings, choose the Authentication method as API key and paste the key in the API key that was created on the earlier step.

integrate sendgrid with website

Now, on the Mail Settings section, write the sender name as your website name, your professional email address and reply-to address and click on the Update settings to save the changes.

set up the mail setting

That’s all. Now you have just replaced the default mail function and integrated the SendGrid plugin on your WordPress website. For testing whether it works perfectly or not you can send an email to yourself and check whether it arrived in your email inbox.

Hopefully, this article helps you to to connect WordPress website with SendGrid to deliver emails and secure your WordPress website. To learn more about WordPress tips & tricks, you may check our WordPress Tips section.

You may also ask any questions related to it in the comment or want us to write on some specific topics you have in your mind.

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